Friday, August 20, 2010

4P& 4C - Top+p'Ohm

Current digital marketing mix (Digi4Ps)

•    Permission Blink 7 advertises and talks to the potential customers via Twitter. The shop owner, Mr. @L77 routinely updates the status and price range on the products at his shop every hours. Thus, only the people who follow Mr. @L77 on Twitter will receive the update on the products or will be able to tweet to Mr. @L77.

•    Participation After consumers followed Mr. @L77 on Twitter, they can now talk or discuss on any topics related with the products itself or they can even talk on personal issue. Mr. @L77 will promptly reply to any requests especially for questions concerning the products in his store. For examples, the frequent ask questions are how much the new BB cost? And is it available in your stock?

•    Privacy (Profile) After prospective customers getting involved, at this moment there is no systematic mechanism to get Blink7 learn more about an individual customers background and needs except those intimate online talks that may help Mr. @L77 to know his customers better. As the communication still at the level of Question and Answer, the privacy issues, for now, are still not a major concern. 

•    Personalization Getting the services become more customized Mr. @L77 provides specific update on mobile phones by separately replying to certain customers that he knows. Also, customers can schedule with Mr. @L77 when to buy the mobile.


Current marketing mix (4Cs) 

•    Consumer’s Need: Blink7 directly responds to needs of people, who tend to not believe in traditional advertising but trust and make purchasing branded merchandizes corresponding to recommendations from people they know as well as opinions posted by unknown consumers online.  Unlike the old product approach that is to develop and produce a product as good as possible to market and make sales, this consumer approach is to study consumer wants and needs, and to offer products and services in response to those needs through online platforms such as Twitter.  Brink7’s target consumer is concentrated on online people especially groups of teenagers plus working age people who could use computer and internet.

•    Cost of Appreciation: Blink7’s consumers can trade off between lower price and official warranty and service.  According to the interview with Mr. @L77, since not only most of his customers are price sensitive but also official warranty and service might not cover buyers in every case, some consumers prefer to buy smart phone as well as other accessories from Blink7 rather than certified distribution center of mobile phone.

•    Convenient to Buy: One of Blink7’s drawbacks is limited distribution channel.  Currently, the shop has only one physical channel via a single store located on 4th floor at MBK.  Besides, although Blink7 has already adopted online platforms to enhance its marketing channels, its online payment and delivery service have not been established yet.  As a result, when consumers and potential consumers either want to buy a new mobile phone or install new programs, they have to unavoidably walk in to Blink7 shop at MBK.

•    Communication: Blink7 obviously benefits from Twitter which allows to Mr. @L77 to online communicate through 24 hours per day and 7 days per week with his customers and potential customers.  Customer can easily access to find out product information and special promotion by following Mr. @L77’s Twitter which usually communicates and is updated the information minute by minute.  Twitter applies two ways communication between seller and buyer.  As a result, Mr. @L77 can customize his consumer’s need via investigating from their interaction and participation in Twitter.  Furthermore, as Twitter stimulate communication among potential buyers Mr. @L77 can exploit viral and buzz marketing by launching new attractive promotion via this online application as well

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